In a tough world economy, millions of people are facing an uncertain future at their places of employment. This is because hardly a day passes before we hear of a large business entity closing its doors or laying off thousands of jobs. Even those workers who are still on their jobs are apprehensive and are looking for additional ways to supplement their income. While some are looking to second jobs, others are turning their sights on the one source of income that does not shrink or sleep-THE INTERNET.

Google AdSense is the vehicle of choice for additional income
There are supposedly many avenues of making money online. This is because the Internet has quickly morphed into a billion dollar entity where businesses and individuals surf cyber-space to get goods, services and information. Because of this, many companies running advertiser program have capitalized on this and have set up programs that allows businesses and individuals to advertise on their networks. The biggest and most well-known program is Google AdSense.

Those whom Google charges to use its giant network for advertising purposes are called advertisers while those that take the ads and put them on their websites and blogs are called publishers. AdSense is the largest publisher network, dishing out millions of dollars a month in payouts. Becoming a Google AdSense publisher is one of the best ways to make an impressive residual income and grow a formidable digital business.

How hard or easy is it to make $300 a day with Google AdSense?
The AdSense fever has spread like wildfire and millions of publishers now exist all over the world. Part of this spread has been attributed to how easy it is to become a publisher. All one needs is to have a website that has unique content, be the actual owner of that domain and also have a terms and conditions, privacy policy and a contact us page. Millions of sites were immediately set up. While Google is considering strengthening its application requirements, it is still easy to enroll as an AdSense publisher.

Once approved, Google allows you into the AdSense program where you can ad the AdSense code into your website. This does not require any programming expertise although in some instances it might.

Why many publishers are not making a lot of money
Many AdSense publishers here stories of people like Shawn Casey, Shoemoney, Jason Calanais and Armand Morin, who make millions of dollars in AdSense. These stories sound like fantasies because many publishers do not even make a $100 dollars a month. There have been several theories advanced as to why so many AdSense publishers never make it big. Let us examine a few:

  • Lack of planning
  • Failure to research well
  • Ignoring the competition
  • Ignorance regarding website traffic techniques

But many publishers have easily overcome these obstacles and gotten on their way to making serious residual income with AdSense.

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